Hiring a Private Investigator to conduct an investigation routinely involves sensitive and/ or confidential matters. Mulholland Investigation recognizes this and treats every client and matter with the utmost discretion. Our goal when professionally conducting investigations is to provide more and higher quality information than our client currently possesses. Every investigation will be conducted in a lawful manner, and we will always be available to testify to our methods and findings. We strive to provide cost-effective solutions and will work within client delineated budgets. We welcome consultations and they are always free of charge.
Please contact us whenever we can be of assistance.

Asset Searches
The recovery of assets requires a methodical approach combined with a wide array of resources. Mulholland Investigation uses multiple professional affiliations, including Intellenet, an accomplished global network of experienced professionals, to locate assets around the world.
Due Diligence
The investigation of character worthiness, as well as, financial standing, is essential in Mergers and Acquisitions. Mulholland has saved clients millions of dollars by identifying fraudulent misrepresentations. Our staff, which includes accomplished Certified Fraud Examiners, will conduct research and analyze subjects or entities to determine their viability and credibility.
Litigation Support
When litigation is already in process, we can locate witnesses and obtain statements and routinely conduct background investigations. If clients seek our assistance to determine if pursuing litigation is financially advisable, we can conduct comprehensive asset searches of defendants and/ or plaintiffs to assist in determining the feasibility of pursuing a judgment.
Witness Location and Statements
Mulholland Investigation and Computer Forensics’ combination of Law Enforcement experience with academic credentials are unrivaled among Security Expert Witnesses
Sean Mulholland is a Certified Protection Professional (CPP) who has testified as a security expert in a wide array of security-related matters.
From premise liability to negligent hiring, Sean Mulholland’s expertise and experience testifying on behalf of plaintiffs and defendants were instrumental in favorable verdicts in many cases.
Background Checks
When conducted professionally, background investigations are a valuable tool in preventing fraud and internal theft. A common cliché is, the best way to prevent theft is to not hire a thief.
Background investigations are also essential when employing caregivers.