Computer Forensics is the collection of digital evidence, commonly referred to as ESI (Electronically Stored Information). Utilizing court-recognized and approved tools, experienced computer forensic examiners follow 4 steps to gain and share their findings.
Find requested data and create a forensic image of the digital media preserving the original data in its native state.
Process and index the data on the forensic image to enable a systematic examination of the data.
Examine and analyze the data to note relevant details.
Provide a detailed report with the client.
The legal acquisition of data is imperative when it will be used in court. We are proud to testify on behalf of the forensics data we find.

Cell Phone Forensics
Our team specializes in the retrieval of data from handled mobile devices like cell phones and tablets. Did you know that for data to be admissible in court, it needs to be acquired in a forensically sound manner to preserve the evidence in a specific way? With today’s world being so mobile, cellular phones are the first place to go for helpful evidence when investigating any matter. Mulholland Forensics LLC recently upgraded our “Mobile Forensics” capabilities through software acquisitions and staff enhancement. Executive Director, Vince Rosado, oversees our mobile device and computer forensics. Vince spent 30 years in the FBI investigating evidence extracted from computers, cellular devices, and other electronically stored information (ESI).
Social Media as Evidence
Social media is the most used communication platform in the world and can be a valuable asset when appropriately used as evidence. Utilizing our proprietary software, we can obtain screen captures, isolate pall upload activity, and include the metadata (fingerprint) of the individual posts.
When we conduct a social media investigation, you are not getting an automated search. We provide a dedicated forensic investigator to uncover and verify all social media accounts, track relevant network connections and provide the deep dive evidence requested.
Electronic Discovery (E-Discovery)
With the proliferation of electronically created and stored information (ESI), the need for litigation for the discovery of this electronic data has expanded exponentially. The Mulholland team has the capability to collect, index, and produce electronically stored information that is admissible in court. Our team will confer and assist clients with court-mandated conferences to determine the scope for the discovery of electronic data. We frequently work within court-ordered parameters to produce only pertinent data. Our E-discovery consultations are free.